Hey Caps, thanks for your response here. Just to follow up on your points:
you mentioned increased opex costs - what opex costs do you imagine this proposal creating? Can you be specific? The DAO has paid staff and members from TempleDAO have offered to help in the implementation.
ETH budgeted for RAMOS can be calculated and accounted for using a preliminary snapshot vote. How much will V2 cost the DAO to build? Theres been no clarity from the team on that and no accounting presented to DAO members.
RAMOS’ manual action only require minimal input once ever two weeks and can easily be folded into the responsibilities of a team member. The process can even be automated with a price oracle as mentioned in the proposal
In Floor 1 gFloor = 1 vote, 1 floor makes someone a member of the DAO and their opinions and thoughts should be given the same amount of weight as someone who’s been in the DAO from day 1 since class based voting doesn’t exist here. Are you saying those who bought into the DAO months ago shouldn’t have a say in how their opinion is expressed? Should their vote hold less weight?