Recruit Smart Contract dev team to develop Automated Strategy

More thoughts baesd on feedback from @aeto

Concete focus-

I view two goals:
a) minimize cost of front running and
b) eliminating discretionary sweeping/bonding

Why a) doesn’t matter much (beside being HARD!)

I think we should focus on b) rather than a) and here is why…team already said they do NOT have to bond/sweep collection immediately, I think that’s wise and they should set those expectations by giving it X days minimum before newly voted elections get liquidity of any meaningful size (or the market will adjust eventually).

High Level idea for b)

If the above thoughts are true, that minimizes the need to prevent election frontrunning, which will be HARD anyway. Then instead you can focus on easier problem of building a non deterministic engine to bond/sweep collections in order to meet previously established policy-goals (e.g. $/%/etc. of LP stake or NFTX inventory stake, whatever…!)

Example of b)

Eg let’s say there are two collections approved for sweeping, first determine how far assets are off from target acquisition levels then use that to probabilisticslly weight which one to pick, second step use another function to decide BOND or SWEEP, and in the bond case there can be a proactive sweep to avoid front running.

Next steps

If we come to consensus that building the non-deterministic asset acquisition engine is important, we can mockup a specific set of features to ship for v1.